About Me

My work is about discovering the extraordinary in the ordinary, enticing myself to 'see' with my senses and emotions, while giving reverence to the light that encases the ordinary.

“Light is not so much something that reveals, as it is itself the revelation.”

James Turrell, Contemporary American artist, 

As I capture the ordinary, it transcends beyond through an array of abstract light-forming colours and textures.

I predominately use the camera as my brush, using it to articulate the emotional essence of what I see. Through intentional camera movement, I separate reality from abstract, seeking form, texture and colour. I love inviting the viewers into a contemplative space where interpretation becomes a personal journey. With reverence for the viewer's autonomy, I peel away layers of reality, allowing each observer to craft their own dialogue with my abstract pieces. I find great satisfaction in working beyond the visual to unearth the hidden.

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Discover more about publication and exhibitions my work has appeared in.